Here appear occasional jottings of my random musings. Profound or jejune, they reveal the contours of my mental universe, with world history, intellectual history, civilizations, philosophy, religion, society, knowledge, and books as some major themes. Since May 2011, this blog has been exclusively focused on Singapore. All my other reflections are now posted in "Notes from Noosphere" (see link under "Miscellany" on the right margin).
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Suppressing dissent in Singapore: Giant leap in school excellence, but people are still dumb
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) (2009), released in Dec 2010, provides yet another indication that our schools are doing very well indeed, ranking second, fourth, and fifth in mathematics, science, and reading respectively in a worldwide assessment. (A surprise for me: Shanghai tops all three rankings, in mathematics, science, and reading.)
However, I am not at all impressed by the quality of the young mind as educated by our "excellent" school system. Neither is the quality of the Singaporean mind, in general, other than mediocre. Why?
Free, open and honest political and social discourse is completely absent in the government controlled media, schools and universities, and society at large. This deliberate fostering of a docile populace is the core reason.
This leads me to a point I made in a previous post, to wit:
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