
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Kevin Dyson, City Harvest Church advisor, is boss of a diploma mill

Kevin and Pamela Joy Dyson

Kevin Dyson talking about marriage with Tan Ye Peng (deputy senior pastor, CHC)
in CHC (Feb 2009) (source)

Kevin Dyson

As pointed out in my previous post (here), City Harvest Church's (CHC) Rev "Dr" Kong Hee and Rev "Dr" Phil Pringle obtained their master's and doctorates from the grandly named New Covenant International University and Theological Seminary (NCIU), a diploma mill (awarding bogus degrees for money) in Lake Worth, Florida.

NCIU was founded in Auckland, New Zealand in 1978 by a New Zealander "Dr" Kevin Dyson, who has only very recently (September 2010) been appointed to the Advisory Committee of CHC, along with Phil Pringle, to improve CHC's  structure, governance and accountability  (source).

Kevin Dyson is also on the Board of CMN Ministry, which is affiliated with Phil Pringle's C3 Church (source)

Kong Hee serves on NCIU's International Board of Reference, and is a non-resident faculty member of NCIU. (see screenshot below)

It therefore appears that Kong Hee, Phil Pringle and the founder of the diploma mill, Kevin Dyson, are on very close terms indeed.

"Dr" Kevin Dyson is also an Adjunct Lecturer at  Tung Ling Seminary, Malaysia (affiliated with Tung Ling Bible School, Singapore). 


Update.  General Trends in New Zealand society: Protest and Polarisation (2003), by Dr Brett Knowles, a historian of Christianity, then (2003) at University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, confirms that Kevin Dyson "granted degrees to pastors on the basis of the pastor's own studies and sermon materials." "Although the standards have since risen somewhat, it was possible to gain a doctorate from this (Kevin Dyson's) institution after seven years of pastoral experience, as evidenced by the pastor's collected sermon materials, and the submission of a 3000-word essay."  (Details available here)


Kevin Dyson's doctorates

According to NCIU (here, full text reproduced below) and Tung Ling Seminary (here, full text reproduced below):

Kevin Dyson holds a Master of Religious Education and a Doctor of Divinity (Restoration Church History) from Jubilee International Bible Institute, CA, USA, as well as a Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Counseling from Evangelical Theological Seminary, MO, USA (1981-85*).

Dr Kevin Dyson

B.A. (B.Th.): Jubilee Int’l Bible CollegeQldAustralia
M.Rel.Ed. Jubilee Int’l Bible Institute, CA, USA
Ph.D. (Bib. Counseling): Evangelical Theol. SeminaryMOUSA (1981-85*)
F.I.A.E.: Int’l Academy of EducatorsOntarioCanada

* According to LinkedIn (see below)

There is only one outfit called  Jubilee International Bible Institute online (here), in Abeokuta (near Lagos), Nigeria. There is none in California (CA).

There are a few outfits called Evangelical Theological Seminary online, but none is in Missouri (MO).

A higher education institution that has no online presence whatsoever is automatically suspect, if not outright fictitious. It is most probably a diploma mill.

I have also found the following information (here, full text reproduced below):

Evangelical Theological Seminary has since changed its name to Biblical Life College and Seminary, operates out of Dixon, MO, claims accreditation by American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions (not recognized by the U.S. Department of Education ), and (under the name of Evangelical Theological Seminary) is also listed as a degree mill in Chapter 12 of Name It and Frame It? New Opportunities in Adult Education and How to Avoid Being Ripped Off by 'Christian' Degree Mills (affectionately known as NIFI) by Steve Levicoff, Ph.D.

Name it and Frame it?

Kevin Dyson's "alma maters", Jubilee International Bible Institute, CA, USA, and  Evangelical Theological Seminary, MO, USA have no online presence whatsoever. Furthermore, Evangelical Theological Seminary, MO, USA is listed as a diploma mill by Levicoff. I therefore conclude that both outfits are bogus.

It would appear that Kevin Dyson has practiced fraud and deception, by using bogus academic credentials, on Tung Ling Seminary, Malaysia, where he is an adjunct lecturer (unless Tung Ling colluded with Dyson in perpetrating the deception on the public).

Interestingly, Rev "Dr" Eu Hong Seng, Chairman and faculty member of Tung Ling Seminary, is also on Dyson's diploma mill NCIU's International Board of Reference (along with Kong Hee). So perhaps Tung Ling is indeed in collusion with Dyson in the deception.

Kong Hee and Eu Hong Seng on NCIU Board

Dyson's dishonesty further strengthens my belief that NCIU which Dyson founded is a fraud and a diploma mill, from which Kong Hee and Phil Pringle, close friends of Dyson's, obtained bogus doctorates.


Kevin Dyson's Bachelor of Arts (Bachelor of Theology)

Kevin Dyson holds a BA (BTh) from Jubilee International Bible College (JIBC), Queensland, Australia. 

I could find no website of the said college, but instead found the following advertisement for its Diploma courses (no Bachelor's program mentioned) on the New Straits Times (Malaysia) of Oct 1, 1994 (source):

Jubilee International Bible College, Stafford Heights,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
New Straits Times, Oct 1, 1994 

The above advertisement links JIBC of Brisbane with "Dr" Tony Keys in 1994. The following LinkedIn profile however associates him with Jubilee International Christian College of Brisbane in 1994. An outfit whose President (and founder, apparently [here]) is confused about its name is very worrying indeed.

Dr Tony Keys' LinkedIn Profile (source)


Jubilee International Christian College

February 1983 – December 1999 (16 years 11 months) Brisbane
From its small beginning of four students, the college grew to a student body of over 230 with nine staff members. During this time the college trained and equipped over 1200 students. These students are now serving in twelve different denominations in twelve countries throughout the world.

"Dr" Tony Keys, founder of
Jubilee International Bible (or Christian) College in Brisbane (source)


According to Kevin Dyson's NCIU biography (see below), he was born no later than in 1949. 

According the following People Search (source), Dyson is 71 years old (in c. July 2012?), and is therefore born no later than in July 1941.

Kevin Dyson (source)
Dyson founded NCIU in Feb 1978. His BA (BTh) is from Tony Keys' outfit, Jubilee International Bible (or Christian) College (JIBC) in Brisbane, founded in Feb 1983.  

Therefore Dyson's undergraduate study began no earlier than in Feb 1983 when was aged 41 or older.

Dyson founded NCIU, a "university", at least five years before he started his undergraduate study, when he had had only a high school education. An amazing feat indeed.

Another exceptional feature of Dyson's education is that, as his PhD study with Evangelical Theological Seminary was in 1981-85 (according to LinkedIn), he began his PhD study at least two years before he began his undergraduate course at JIBC. 

Kevin Dyson founded NCIU in 1978


Neal Patterson, Tung Ling Bible School, and Quality of JIBC 

The former principal (c. 1990-94) of Tung Ling Bible School in Singapore, "Dr" Neal Patterson, holds a Doctorate in Theology from Jubilee International Bible College (JIBC) in Brisbane, Australia (source).

According to Tony Keys, the founder and President (Feb 1983 - Dec 1999) of JIBC, the college had only nine staff members (academic and admin) in Dec 1999 (probably at its peak, see Keys' LinkedIn profile above). For such a modest outfit to award a Doctorate in Theology is another astounding feat.

This is yet another sign of the quality of degrees/diplomas awarded by JIBC.

Neal and Ruth Patterson


The following street address is a rare find:

46 Landscape Street, Stafford Heights, Brisbane, Queensland 4053, Australia

I was excited to be able to virtually visit the JIBC "campus".

For the building at 46, Landscape Street, Stafford Heights in a residential neighbourhood (shown here) to accommodate 9 staff members and over 230 students (as claimed by Tony Keys)  was yet another feat.

It is probable that JIBC was Tony Keys' personal empire, and has been shut down (perhaps no longer being profitable) by Keys by Dec 1999.

Jubilee International Bible (or Christian) College, Brisbane

Jubilee International Bible (or Christian) College, Brisbane


According to this, Kevin Dyson, PhD, of 45 Sassifras Street, Mudjimba (a suburb of Sunshine Coast, about 100 km from Brisbane), Queensland 4564, Australia, was a principal of the commercial entity New Covenant International Theological Seminary, Inc, registered on August 15, 1997 in Florida, and now defunct.

This establishes that in 1997 (and up to 2000, from similar evidence) Kevin Dyson was living in the house shown here, about 100 km from Tony Keys' JIBC (in Brisbane). (He now lives in the West Palm Beach, Florida area.)

Kevin Dyson and Tony Keys could have been friends. Keys could have awarded Dyson any bogus degrees that Dyson fancied.

 Kevin Dyson's home in 45 Sassifras Street, Mudjimba, Queensland


Kevin Dyson, F.I.A.E.

Kevin Dyson claims to be a Fellow of the International Academy of Educators, Ontario, Canada. 

There is absolutely no trace online of such an academy, and Dyson appears to be the founder, President and sole fellow of the international (being a fictitious Canadian academy with only one Fellow, who is from New Zealand/Florida) academy.


New Covenant International University (NCIU)

Dr. Kevin Dyson, President and Founder (source)

( ed. Kevin Dyson has spent "over 45 years" in Christian ministry, as of 2012 (or earlier). Assuming that Dyson started his ministry at age 18 (but probably older), he is at least 63 in 2012, i.e. he was born no later than in 1949.)

Dr Kevin and Joy Dyson have been actively involved in church planting, Christian education, pastoral leadership and biblical counseling for over forty-five years. Originally from New Zealand, they have a passionate understanding of a biblical worldview that enables them to serve those wanting to be trained and equipped for the work of Christ’s Kingdom.

In latter years Kevin and Joy have functioned as “pastors to pastors” all around the globe, building a mentoring network of pastoral church leaders and front-line mission workers on five continents, who desire to see their own local flocks trained and equipped for the task of fulfilling the Great Commission through the Great Commandment.

Kevin Dyson holds a Master of Religious Education and a Doctor of Divinity (Restoration Church History) from Jubilee International Bible Institute, CA, USA, as well as a Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Counseling from Evangelical Theological Seminary, MO, USA. He received the award of Fellow of the International Academy of Educators for his work in advancing distance education.

(Kevin Dyson lives in the West Palm Beach, Florida area.)

Dyson, Dr Kevin

B.A. (B.Th.): Jubilee Int’l Bible CollegeQldAustralia
M.Rel.Ed. Jubilee Int’l Bible Institute, CA, USA
Ph.D. (Bib. Counseling): Evangelical Theol. SeminaryMOUSA
F.I.A.E.: Int’l Academy of EducatorsOntarioCanada


Tung Ling Seminary, Malaysia (affiliated with Tung Ling Bible School, Singapore)

Adjunct Lecturer (source)

Dr. Kevin Dyson holds a Master of Religious Education and a Doctor of Divinity (Restoration Church History) from Jubilee International Bible Institute, CA, USA, as well as a Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Counseling from Evangelical Theological Seminary, MO, USA. He received the award of Fellow of the International Academy of Educators for his work in advancing distance education. Currently he is the president of New Covenant International in Australia.

He has two married daughters and a married son, and twelve grandchildren, ranging from age 24 to 12 years of age.


Kevin Dyson's LinkedIn  Profile (source)

Kevin Dyson

Kevin Dyson's Overview

  • President/Director at (NCIU) New Covenant International University & Theological Seminary
  • Advisor at Christian Men's Network
  • Senior Pastor at New Covenant Fellowship
  • President & CEO at Covenant Community Charitable Trust Inc
  • Evangelical Theological Seminary
228 connections

Kevin Dyson's Summary

Kevin and his wife Joy have been actively involved in developing relational networks to release power, restore hope, and increase synergistic development through Kingdom focused partnerships. These relational networks span five continents and cross denominational borders. Having served some 30 years in active church pastoral ministry both in rural communities and regional cities, as well as being a leader in distance-learning educational development, Kevin & his wife Joy have a proven track record of pastoral care to enable leaders find their ministry focus, and serve their congregations more effectively.

Kevin Dyson's Experience


(NCIU) New Covenant International University & Theological Seminary

February 1978 – Present (34 years 6 months)


Christian Men's Network

1983 – 2012 (29 years)

Senior Pastor

New Covenant Fellowship

April 1976 – November 1991 (15 years 8 months) Auckland, New Zealand
Founder and Senior Pastor, Principal of New Covenant International Bible College, Director- Living Languages Limited (TOESL,TOFL, P-ESL),
Chairman, Covenant Community Charitable Trust Inc.

President & CEO

Covenant Community Charitable Trust Inc

January 1976 – November 1990 (14 years 11 months)

Kevin Dyson's Education

Evangelical Theological Seminary

Ph.D (Biblical Counseling)Pastoral Counseling & Family Therapy

1981 – 1985
Activities and Societies: Florida Christian Counselor's Association International Association of Christian Pastoral Counselors American Association of Christian Counselors

Kevin Dyson's Additional Information

Entrepreneurial Development; Wealth Creation & Management; Kingdom Economics; Nation building; World-changing studies; Cross-generational Training & Empowerment; Understanding People, personalities, and Purpose in Life;Inter-Cultural Studies & Communication;Inter-Cultural Conflict Resolution; Marriage & Family Therapy; Personal Spiritual Formation; Building Successful Legacies that endure for Multi-Generations;Training & Equipping Christian believers to serve God in extending His Kingdom;.
Groups and Associations:


Vision International University (source)

I first ran across Vision International University a few years ago while researching a few issues concerning Newport University, as they were the only other institution besides Newport “accredited” by the IASCU. At the time, their Web site at had a minimal amount of information, and the only other Web site with any information was . Their accreditation statement (including a statement that they were affiliated with Newport University) was located at . These Web pages are still functional, probably due to the fact that a free Web host hosts them.

It is interesting to note that IASCU, for the longest time was supposedly operating out of Antwerp, Belgium, but now claims to be located in Berlin, Germany. Moreover, a search for member institutions on their Web site (neatly organized by continents) doesn’t reveal any affiliated schools. My guess is that there still aren’t any other members, aside from Newport and Vision. The bottom line, however, is this: claiming accreditation by IASCU serves one, and only one, purpose—to deceive prospective students as to the accreditation and legitimacy of the school and the utility of the degrees. (For the record, Vision International University’s predecessors, such as Vision Christian College and Vision Bible College and Seminary, also claimed unrecognized accreditation—from the infamous Accrediting Commission International.)

In addition to bogus accreditation, Vision International University also claims affiliation with The American Society of Christian Therapists and The American Association of Family Counselors. Both organizations are listed as credential mills in Chapter 13 of Name It and Frame It? New Opportunities in Adult Education and How to Avoid Being Ripped Off by 'Christian' Degree Mills  (affectionately known as NIFI) by Steve Levicoff, Ph.D.. Moreover Vision International University predecessors Vision Christian College, Vision Christian University and Logos Bible College and Graduate School (founded by Vision International University president Stan E. DeKoven) are all specifically listed as degree mills in Chapter 12 of NIFI. (Although, of course, nothing beats hearing it straight from the author—thanks, Steve.)

Vision International University now claims to be “one of the world's largest distance-education institutions with over 4,000 campus locations on six continents and in 112 nations.” What they neglect to say, of course, is that practically anyone can set up a “campus” and affiliate himself or herself with Vision. Conveniently, those who set up campuses, frequently end up being recipients of Vision degrees. The self-proclaimed mastermind of this Rube Goldberg-inspired educational franchise system is Dr. Stan E. DeKoven, president of Vision International University.

In addition to a claiming a Bachelors degree in Psychology from San Diego State University and a M.A. in Counseling from Webster University, Stan E. DeKoven, also claims a D.Min. from the Evangelical Theological Seminary.

Could this be the same Evangelical Theological Seminary that has since changed its name to Biblical Life College and Seminary, operates out of Dixon, MO, claims accreditation by American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions (not recognized by the U.S. Department of Education), and (under the name of Evangelical Theological Seminary) is also listed as a degree mill in Chapter 12 of NIFI? Moreover, Dr. DeKoven also claims a Ph.D. from the now defunct (and never accredited) Professional School of Psychological Studies, and is allegedly completing his second Ph.D. in Leadership from Berne University.

Dr. DeKoven is also listed (sans any titles or academic credentials, except for being the president of Vision Christian College and Vision Christian Ministries) as ”Professor of several courses in the counseling field” on Christian Leadership University’s Faculty Members Web site. Not surprisingly, at one time, Christian Leadership University claimed accreditation from ACI (it now claims it from the World-Wide Accreditation Commission of Christian Educational Institutions) through its affiliation with Vision Bible College and Seminary, and is also listed as a degree mill in NIFI. Currently their Web site makes no mention of any affiliation with Vision.
Last edited by Gus Sainz; 04-30-2002 at 01:06 PM.
Gus Sainz


Kevin Dyson works with resurrectionists in Fiji  (source1source2)

"How can you explain to people who have never experienced a true revival what it is like to have an open heaven - a situation in which prayers are answered almost as fast as they are spoken?" asks Dr. Kevin Dyson, Deacon at New Covenant International (NCI), a theological seminary in the USA. "One way would be to take them to Fiji," he answers. "Fiji is one of the nations which God is currently blessing in an unusual manner."

"13 years ago, NCI began working with Christian Mission Fellowship, a national church movement led by pastor Suliasi Kurolo," writes Dyson. "Since then, 1,200 students have completed theological studies. 87 new churches have been planted, three new Bible schools founded, and missions projects in 16 Pacific nations started. At the most recent graduation, 18 new pastors were ordained, which is not possible until they each have a church with at least 50 adult members. In addition, we blessed 83 new church planters, who aim to plant 62 new churches in the next 12 months."

"Listening to these church planters is like reading a new edition of Acts. We heard of people being raised from the dead, invalids who can walk again, blind who can now see, deaf who can hear and dumb who can now speak, as well as many new believers in the Kingdom of God," he reports. "One Hindu woman, for example, was in Fiji's main hospital, suffering from terminal cancer. Her family was gathered around her as a Bible school student came by, visiting the patients. He was not only able to explain the gospel to the whole family, but also prayed for the woman's healing. The woman was healed, along with others who were healed of deafness and dumbness. In response, 22 Hindus decided to become Christians. The government has asked NCI to develop a programme for the High Schools based on Biblical values, as politicians saw God's power transforming young people and old. It is clearly a true, observable and lasting revival," says Dyson.


For the record:  NCIU's People 

For ease of reference, I've copied the following from NCIU's website (source). Diploma mills known to me are highlighted thus.

NCIU's People


Dr. Kevin & Joy Dyson, Founders

Dr Kevin and Joy Dyson have been actively involved in church planting, Christian education, pastoral leadership and biblical counseling for over forty-five years. Originally from New Zealand, they have a passionate understanding of a biblical worldview that enables them to serve those wanting to be trained and equipped for the work of Christ’s Kingdom.

In latter years Kevin and Joy have functioned as “pastors to pastors” all around the globe, building a mentoring network of pastoral church leaders and front-line mission workers on five continents, who desire to see their own local flocks trained and equipped for the task of fulfilling the Great Commission through the Great Commandment.

Kevin Dyson holds a Master of Religious Education and a Doctor of Divinity (Restoration Church History) from Jubilee International Bible Institute, CA, USA, as well as a Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Counseling from Evangelical Theological Seminary, MO, USA. He received the award of Fellow of the International Academy of Educators for his work in advancing distance education

Vice- President

Dr. Tom C. Peters, Vice-President.

Dr. Tom and Mary Ann Peters responded to God's call to Lake Worth, Florida, in March 1973. In the years since then Trinity Church International has grown from a small congregation of eight people to a strong, thriving church of more than 4,000. The "Vision of the House" was birthed out of Dr. Tom and Mary Ann's belief that we exist for ministering to the Lord, to the Body of Christ and to the world; for without a vision the people perish.

Dr. Peters has a great anointing to teach, preach and exhort. His messages are "life-changing" in scope and inspirational, challenging all to a closer walk with God and a broader vision to help bring the lost to Christ. Dr. Peters is actively involved in conducting pastors and leaders seminars and training programs that build and strengthen the local church. The Peters have traveled in over forty different nations, including ministry in the Caribbean, South Pacific, Africa, Europe and India.

Tom C. Peters holds degrees in Business Management from Jones College Fl, as well as Biblical Theology from International Seminary, FL, USA, followed by a Doctorate of Ministry, from NCITS

Vice- President
Dr. Richard Bau Woon Ing, Vice-President

Dr Richard B. W. Ing was born and raised in Hawaii where he resides today. He was a civil engineer before graduating from Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco. He recently retired from law practice to give himself more freely to the needs of others. He also owned several businesses, including a real estate firm, travel agency, collection agency and bi-monthly newspaper.

Married to his first sweetheart, Beatrice, for over forty-one years, they have four children -two are attorneys and two work for the State of Hawaii. Dr Ing has been the senior pastor of Light of the World Missions in Hawaii since 1989.

He holds a Doctor of Ministry degree besides a Juris Doctor, a Master of Philosophy in Intercultural Studies and a Bachelor of Science (Civil Engineering) degree and is the vice-president of New Covenant International University & Theological Seminary. He has authored five books on various Bible subjects and his book entitled Spiritual Warfare is a national best-seller, which has been translated into Spanish, German, Italian and Bulgarian.

Director & Chief Financial Officer
Russell A. Naisbitt, A.C.A. (N.Z.)

Russell Naisbitt is a businessman, market place minister and home church pastor. He currently serves as Director, CFO and corporate chaplain for EA Services Inc., a Texas-based infrastructure repair services corporation. 

Russell, a New Zealander by birth, resides in Houston, Texas, with his wife, Nadine, and three sons. He is an ordained minister and house church pastor. He also serves on the Boards of Directors of The Aquila Project, Inc., Turning Point Ministries International, Inc., Somebody Cares America, Inc. and Foundation Restoration Ministries, Inc.

Russell, a Chartered Accountant, is a member of the New Zealand Society of Accountants and holds a Master of Philosophy in Missions Studies from NCIU.

Rev. David W. Briggs

David and his wife, Armelta, have been married for 34 years and are enjoying life with their children and grandchildren. David Briggs has been in the ministry since 1974.

During these years of ministry service he has been a Senior Pastor, as well as being actively engaged in church planting, and has traveled as a missionary evangelist in over 48 countries of the world, including ministry throughout the United States.

David holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Theology from NCITS, and is currently a candidate in graduate level studies. He is actively involved in world missions and leadership training, and serves as a consultant on several missions and corporate boards. Presently he is an Elder and the Missions Director of Trinity Church International, a local, cell-based church with a congregation of over 4,000 people in Lake Worth, Florida. 

Ian P. Butterworth

Born and raised in New Zealand, Ian is a teacher by profession and has taught extensively both in the state and private sectors in New Zealand and internationally for over thirty years. Ian has been actively involved in the administration of bible schools, especially during transition periods to gain accreditation and government recognition.

As an administrator, he has interacted for many years with both government departments and regulatory bodies inside and outside the Body of Christ, specializing in the accreditation and quality control of higher education. He currently resides with his wife and family in the United Kingdom.

Ian holds a Master of Divinity from Evangelical Theological Seminary, MO, USA, a Bachelor of Religious Education from NCITS and a Bachelor of Arts (English and Foreign Languages) from the University of Auckland, as well as a Diploma of Teaching from New Zealand, and the Graduate Diploma of P-ESL (Pronouncing English as Second Language) from Comptom Institute of Phonology, CA, USA.


NCIU functions as a global, distance-learning institution with a central administration center and staff. At NCI University & Theological Seminary the global network of professors and adjunct-tutors do the actual tutorial and mentoring requirements.

The most desirable teaching objective at NCIU is the one-on-one process, which we call “Faculty Mentoring.”
This “faculty mentoring” feature enables NCIU academic staff to be located anywhere in the world so long as they can adequately meet the needs of their individual students through electronic communications.

Almost all NCIU Faculty Mentors have doctoral or appropriate graduate degrees and those few who do not, have adequately distinguished themselves in their fields.

In addition our NCIU Adjunct-Professors and Tutors are not only passionate, seasoned practitioners but are also skilled in recognizing individual learning styles and needs.

Abramson, Dr Robert (Bob)
B.A. (Th.) Southeastern, LakelandFLUSA
M.A.R. LibertyUniversityLynchburgVAUSA
D.Min. Erskine Theological Seminary, Due West, SC, USA
Life of Christ, Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, Christian Maturity. 

Anderson, Dr. Allan,
Dip Med (Pathology)
M.Phil, NCITS, Honolulu, USA.
Ph.D. (Biblical Counseling), New Covenant Int’l Theological SeminaryFLUSA
Christian Pastoral Counseling, Leadership Development, Biblical Studies

Barnes, Rev Craig A
B.Sc. (El. Eng) University of New South WalesSydneyAustralia.
MA (Missions) University of WalesUK
Biblical Studies, World Missions, Practical Theology and Ministries.

Briggs, Rev David W.
B.A (Theology) New Covenant Int’l Theological SeminaryFLUSA.
Biblical Studies, World Missions, Practical Theology and Ministries.

Burrell, Rev James Arden
BA (Biblical Theology), New Covenant Int’l Theological Seminary, FLUSA
M Theol, New Covenant Int’l Theological Seminary, FLUSA.
Biblical Studies, Church Leadership, World Missions, Practical Theology and Ministries.

Butterworth, Ian P.
Dip Teaching, Auckland Teacher’s Training CollegeNew Zealand
B.A. (English & Foreign Languages), Auckland University, New Zealand
B.Rel.Ed New Covenant Int’l Theological SeminaryFLUSA
M. Divinity Evangelical Theol. SeminaryMOUSA
Biblical Studies, Biblical Theology, Christian Education, Cross-cultural Communication, Urban Missions, Practical Theology & Ministries

Chu, Chick-Sum, Dr Peter
B.Theol, Berea International Institute, CA, USA.
M.Min, Truth Institute, Hong Kong
D. Min, New Covenant Int’l Theological SeminaryFLUSA
Th.D., New Covenant Int’l UniversityFLUSA
Biblical Studies, Evangelism & Church Planting, Intercultural Studies, Leadership Development, Pastoral Ministries & Theology.

Chung, Tai Rai, Dr
M.Theol,  Presbyterian, Theological Seminary, SeoulKorea
D.Rel Education, Evangelical Theological SeminaryMOUSA.
Ph.D. (Biblical Theology), New Covenant Int’l University, FL, USA
Biblical Studies, Systematic Theology, Christian Pastoral Counseling, Leadership Development, Pastoral Ministries & Theology.

Collins, Dr David S. T.
B.A. (Theology) New Covenant Int’l Theological SeminaryFLUSA
M.Rel.Ed New Covenant Int’l Theological SeminaryFLUSA
Th.D. New Covenant Int’l UniversityFLUSA
Biblical Studies, Biblical Theology, ChristianMinistry, Leadership Development, Practical Theology

Dyson, Joy
B.Rel.Ed. JubileeInt’lBibleCollegeQldAustralia
M.Bib.Counseling Evangelical Theological SeminaryMOUSA
Christian Counseling, Family & Marriage, Behavioral Sciences

Dyson, Dr Kevin
B.A. (B.Th.): JubileeInt’lBibleCollegeQldAustralia
M.Rel.Ed. Jubilee Int’l Bible Institute, CA, USA
Ph.D. (Bib. Counseling): Evangelical Theol. SeminaryMOUSA
F.I.A.E.: Int’l Academy of EducatorsOntarioCanada
Biblical Studies, Christian Pastoral Counseling, Cross-cultural Communication, Intercultural Studies, Leadership Development, Pastoral Ministries & Theology.

Ford, Rev L. Glenn
B.Bus.Sc. Clemson UniversityFLUSA
M.Phil. (Miss.) New Covenant Int’l Theological SeminaryFLUSA
Exegesis, Biblical Studies, Missions, Biblical Theology.

Franz, Dr Andreas,
Lic. Theol (M.Phil –Theol), ETF, LeuvenBelgium
Ph.D (Theol), ETF, LeuvenBelgium
Biblical Studies & Theology, Cross-cultural Studies, Ethics.

Franz, Marina, Rev
B.A (Theol). Middlesex UniversityU.K.
M.A. (Practical Theology) MiddlesexU.K.
Christian Pastoral Counseling, Family & Marriage Counseling.

Geiselhart, Rev Jochen
M.Phil (Intercultural Studies), NCIUFloridaUSA.
Cross-cultural Studies, World Religions.

Hawf, Rev Patricia
B.S. (C.S.M.): New Covenant Int’l Theological SeminaryFLUSA
Family & Marriage Counseling, Prayer, Christian Growth & Maturity

Holey, Mrs Petra
Grad.Dip Family Therapy & Counseling
Counseling, Systemic Family Therapy

Immendoerfer, Rev Michael
M.Philosophy (Theology), NCIUFLUSA.
Biblical Studies, Biblical Theology, Practical theology.

Johnson, Dr Linda C.
B.Th. International SeminaryFLUSA
M.A. (Church History) International SeminaryFLUSA
Ed.D.C. CarolinaUniversity of TheologyNCUSA
Ph.D. International SeminaryFLUSA
Church History, Christian Education, Philosophy, Hermeneutics.

Kielwein, Rev Andreas
M.A. Columbia International UniversityN.C.USA.
Historical Theology, Biblical Studies.

Kirkpatrick, Dr John W.
L.Th. MelbourneCollege of Divinity, VIC, Australia
M.A. (Leadership) Fuller Theological Seminary, PasadenaCAUSA
D. Miss. Fuller Theological Seminary, PasadenaCAUSA
Biblical Studies, Bible Theology, Church Growth, Hermeneutics, Leadership Development, Missions, Pastoral Counseling, Philosophy.

Michael, Rev William C.
B.S. University of FloridaUSA
M.Phil. (I.C.S) New Covenant Int’l Theological SeminaryFLUSA
Acts, Church Planting, Ecclesiology, Biblical Studies.

Peters, Dr Tom C.
B.S. (Mgt.): Jones CollegeFLUSA
B.Th.  International SeminaryFLUSA
D.Min. New Covenant Int’l Theological SeminaryFLUSA
Pastoral Theology, Leadership, World Missions.

Podrasa, Rev Gerhard
Mag. Theol, TubigenGermany.
Hermeneutics, Pedagogical Studies

Richter, Rev Marty
B.S.: NY State UniversityNYUSA.
Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Studies, Missions.

Stephenson, Dr Alan K.
Dip Teaching, Auckland Teacher’s College, N.Z.
B.A (Ed); Auckland University, New Zealand.
M.Rel.Ed, NCITS, Honolulu, USA.
Th.D., NCIUFloridaUSA.
Missions, Leadership Development, Biblical Studies, Church Planting

Strate, Dr Jorge
M.Phil (Missiology), NCIUFLUSA.
Ph.D. (Intercultural Studies), NCIU, FL, USA.
Cross-cultural Studies, World Religions

Walters, Professor Terry
LL.B; LL.M, Sheffield UniversityUnited Kingdom
Biblical Studies, Pastoral Ministries, Leadership Development, Church Administration, Urban Missions.

NCIU functions as a global, distance-learning institution with a central administration center and staff. At NCI University & Theological Seminary, the global network of professors and adjunct-tutors do the actual tutorial and mentoring requirements.


All of the individuals listed as International Board of Reference also serve as non-resident faculty with other suitably qualified specialist persons and Adjunct Professors & Tutors.

Burrell, Rev Arden, M.Th. B.A (B.Th.) Australia
Chu, Dr Chick Sum, Th.D.; M.Div.; B.A. (B.Th.) Taiwan
Chung, Dr Tai Rai, Ph.D.; D.Rel.Ed; Th.D.; M.Theol. South Korea
Creighton, Dr Fred C., D. Min., Phil.M. B.A. (B.Th) New Zealand
Eu, Dr Hong-Seng, Ph.D; M.Min.; C.P.A. Malaysia
 (Eu Hong Seng, Chairman and faculty member of Tung Ling Seminary, Malaysia)
Franz, Andreas, Th.D.; Ph. M , Germany
Hultgren, Dr Frank, D.Min.; M.Div. USA
Kong, Dr Hee, Th.D.; M.Div.; B.A. (B.Th.); B.Sc. Singapore
 (Kong Hee, founder and senior pastor, City Harvest Church)
Kumar, Dr Steve, Ph.D.; M.Div. New Zealand
 (Steve Kumar, PhD from California Graduate School of Theology, unaccredited diploma mill) (details below)
Kurulo, Rev Suliasi, Ph.M.; B.A. (Th.); B.Sc Fiji
Norman, Dr H. Lesley D. Min., M.Phil. United Kingdom
McDonald, Rev Bruce, B.A. (B.Th.); Dip.Tchg. New Zealand
Patterson, Dr S. Neal, Th.D.; M.Rel.Ed. B.A.(B.Th.) New Zealand
Teague, Dr Dennis, Th.D.; M.Div.; B.A. (B.Th.); Dip.Tesol. USA


For the record 

The following information on NCIU is from Mark Phillip Purchase, PhD NCIU, ThD NCIU, MA (MTh), BA (BTh), from New Zealand (source).  (It is possible that he is an innocent, but naive, victim of the NCIU scam, rather than a cynical deceiver.)

Diploma mills known to me are highlighted thus.

Mark Phillip Purchase's  NCIU Doctoral Degrees  (credits 256)


(1) Doctorate in Theology Th.D Thesis 65,198 words. Conferred Honolulu Hawaii.

Mentor – DR COLEGROVE. Richard Selwyn - B.Th.  M.A., D.D. L.R.S.M; L.C.T.L.

a former graduate of NCIBC

[ ed. Is NCIBC New Covenant International Bible College of Auckland, New Zealand (here).  NCIBC(Auckland), just like NCIU, was founded by Kevin Dyson. It is probably NCIU's original, less grandiose, name.

Alternatively, NCIBC could be New Covenant International Bible College of Columbia, South Carolina which is most assuredly a diploma mill (see here) ]

Richard has previously been a teacher of Greek and Hebrew, as well as Music. Richard has completed his doctoral studies with research work and theses in the realm of Understanding the Nature of Regeneration. His theses have been received by Evangelical Theological Seminary, Missouri, USA (the diploma mill that gave Kevin Dyson his bogus PhD) with distinction, thus earning a Doctorate in Philosophy. 

(2) Doctorate in Philosophy Ph.D Thesis 150,243 words (completed 5 Nov 1993). Conferred Honolulu Hawaii.

Mentor - Dr. KUMAR. Steve - (info) "A leading New Zealand Christian apologist and a lecturer, author and international speaker. He has lectured for the past 19 years at more than 75 theological colleges, universities and high schools in the US, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Dr. Kumar trained at the Faith Theological Seminary, Winbrenner Theological Seminary and Wittenburg University and gained his PhD at California Graduate School of Theology. (He) is considered to be the best apologetic teacher in New Zealand". The Thesis follows the 'Guide to the Presentation of Theses' obtainable from the University of Auckland Library. And was bound by Uniprint, Orakei NZ.

"Dr" Steve Kumar

ed.  Wittenberg University is a liberal arts college in Springfield, Ohio.

California Graduate School of Theology is unaccredited since its founding in 1968 (here).

"California Graduate School of Theology  (CGST) is not accredited by any national or regional accrediting agency, and evidently has little standing in the academic community (it is not even listed in standard college and graduate school directories).

"The Association of Theological Schools in the U.S. and Canada reported that California School of Theology is licensed in California, but not accredited by ATSUC. Likewise, the Western Association of Colleges and Schools and the Accrediting Association for Bible Colleges reported that CGST is not accredited by their respective agencies, and that they had no record of the school (telephone conversations with Glen J. Kuban, August, 1989). Evidently no other agencies are authorized by the U.S. department of Education and Council on Post Secondary Education to grant accreditation to theology schools in California.

"The California Graduate School of Theology is not listed in Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Guide to American Graduate Schools, The Gorman Report, Barons Profiles of American Colleges, nor in several other college directories which Glen J. Kuban (the writer) consulted." (source)

On "Dr" Steve Kumar, defending creationism on a local New Zealand radio station  (source)

Who is this Dr? A Dr of what? Where did he get his doctorate? Was it legitimate or Hovindesque? I found many examples of duplicates of his bio (marketing brochure) which attested to an awesomeness clearly in excess of anything I could hope to muster. Finding out what he was a doctor of or where he got it proved difficult and I actually had to rely on his introduction on the radio programme itself to educate my ignorance that I would be dealing with a "Doctor of Philosophical Theology" if I chose to enter the field of battle. 

I did find a reference which indicated he had received his doctorate from the same "California diploma mill" as disgraced NZ MP Bernie Ogilvy *(who I believe claimed to possess a law degree from an institute which did not even have a law programme). A brochure promoting the "Eleventh annual European summer study session of the International Academy of apologetics, evangelism and human rights" lists Dr Kumar as "Faculty and Advisory" alongside a conspicuous William A Demski. Post-interaction with Dr Kumar, I found another reference which indicated that the institute in question is the "California Graduate School Of Theology" (a worthy member of the Wikipedia "List of unaccredited institutions of higher learning")

* "Dr" Bernie Ogilvy, MP demoted to Mr Ogilvy
New Zealand, Sep 16, 2002 (source)

United Future has suffered another blow to its credibility after one of its MPs was discovered using the title of "doctor" on the basis of an honorary law degree awarded by a Californian theology school.
Bernie Ogilvy, one of United Future's seven new MPs, is to drop the title after inquiries revealed that the school has never offered a law programme. It offers degrees in church music, ministry and theology.
Mr Ogilvy has said he received the award as recognition for work he did with young volunteers at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics.
He has been using the title "doctor" on his office door and in parliamentary records on the basis of the honorary doctorate.
Mr Ogilvy can now expect to be the target of ridicule in Parliament as Opposition parties continue to try to undermine United Future's standing with voters.
Mr Ogilvy told the Sunday Star-Times that he thought the degree entitled him to call himself "doctor".
But National's deputy leader, Roger Sowry, said the MP was stretching credibility if he thought he would receive a real doctorate just for being a volunteer at the Olympics.
"This smacks of the John Davy saga all over again. It is just a shame this more detailed scrutiny of United Future candidates did not happen prior to the election."
Canadian John Davy was sacked as head of the Maori Television Service and later jailed after some of his credentials, including a university qualification, were discovered to be fake.
Mr Ogilvy said he received the degree from the California Graduate School of Theology during a graduation ceremony in 1990.
The school is accredited by the Californian Bureau of Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education (a bogus accreditation body) to provide religious and theological degrees.
The bureau has confirmed that at no point has the school been accredited to provide a law programme of any kind.
Mark Phillip Purchase's education (continued)

Cross-credits earned. From 3 Units from Bible College NZ (now known as Laidlaw College) and studies with Wheaton College.  Helpful tutors - "Over View of Theology" - Dr William W Wells. PhD from Syracuse Univ. NY B.D cum laude from Trinity Evangelical School Illinois. B.A from Wheaton."Hermeneutics" - Dr J Julius Scott. Prof in Biblical and Historical Studies Wheaton B.D from Columbia Theological Seminary Georgia. PhD Univ. Manchester England. (I still retain notes for each lecture.  So what's my doctrinal tags? - Conservative, Evangelical, Creationist, Calvinist and Dispensational).

Other schools -
Emmaus Bible School (NZ) 1985
Searchlight Bible School  (SDA) 1988
Christadelphian Correspondence School (NZ)
Worldwide Church of God Correspondence School.


New Covenant International University
7255 South Military Trail
Lake Worth, FL 33463 


Kevin Dyson.
 Master of Religious Ed.. D.D (Restoration Church History). PhD Biblical Counseling from Evangelical Theological Seminary, MO, USA. Fellow of the International Academy of Educators.


Dr. Tom C. Peters,
 Vice-President.  Degrees in Business Management Jones College Fl. FL, USA. D.Min. NCITS.

Dr. Richard Bau Woon Ing 
, Vice-President D.Min. Juris Doctor,  M.Phil. B.Sci.

Russell A. Naisbitt A.C.A. (N.Z.); M.Ph.

Rev. David W. Briggs. B.Th.
Ian P. Butterworth M.Div.; B. Rel. Ed; B.A.; Dip. Tchg


Abramson, Dr Robert (Bob)
B.A. (Th.) Southeastern, Lakeland, FL, USA
M.A.R. Liberty Univ., Lynchburg, VA, USA
D.Min. Erskine Theological Seminary, Due West, SC, USA

Allen, Dr Edward B.
B.S. Browne Univ., Rhode Is, USA
M.S. Univ., of Pennsylvania, PA, USA
Ph.D. Florida Atlantic Univ., FL, USA

Anderson, Dr. Allan,
Dip Med (Pathology)
M.Phil, NCITS, Honolulu, USA.
Ph.D. (Biblical Counseling), NCITS, FL, USA

Briggs, Rev David W.
B.A (Theology) NCITS, FL, USA.

Butterworth, Ian P.
Dip Teaching, Auckland Teacher’s Training College, NZ
B.A. (English & Foreign Languages), Auckland Univ., NZ
M. Divinity Evangelical Theol. Seminary, MO, USA

Collins, Dr David S. T.
B.A. (Theology) NCITS, FL, USA

Dyson, Joy
B.Rel.Ed. Jubilee Int’l Bible College, Qld, Australia
M.Bib.Counseling Evangelical Theological Seminary, MO, USA

Dyson, Dr Kevin
B.A. (B.Th.): Jubilee Int’l Bible College, Qld, Australia
M.Rel.Ed. Jubilee Int’l Bible Institute, CA, USA
Ph.D. (Bib. Counseling): Evangelical Theol. Seminary, MO, USA
F.I.A.E.: Int’l Academy of Educators, Ontario, Canada

Ford, Rev L. Glenn
B.Bus.Sc. Clemson Univ., FL, USA
M.Phil. (Miss.) NCITS, FL, USA

Franz, Dr Andreas,
Th.D (Tubigen)

Hawf, Rev Patricia

Johnson, Dr Linda C.
B.Th. International Seminary, FL, USA
M.A. (Church History) International Seminary, FL, USA
Ed.D.C. Carolina University of Theology, NC, USA
Ph.D. International Seminary, FL, USA

Kirkpatrick, Dr John W.
L.Th. Melbourne College of Divinity, VIC, Australia
M.A. (Leadership) Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA, USA
D. Miss. Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA, USA

Michael, Rev William C.
B.S. University of Florida, USA
M.Phil. (I.C.S) NCITS, FL, USA

Muñoz, Dr Nahum
B.Th. Nazarene Bible College, TX, USA
M.Theol. Logos Bible College, FL, USA
D.Min. Logos Bible College & Graduate School, NY, USA
Th.D. Logos Bible College & Graduate School, Mexico City

Peters, Dr Tom C.
B.S. (Mgt.): Jones College, FL, USA
B.Th. International Seminary, FL, USA

Richter, Rev Marty
B.S.: NY State Univ., NY, USA.

Stephenson, Dr Alan K.
Dip Teaching, Auckland Teacher’s College, N.Z.
B.A (Ed); Auckland Univ., NZ.
M.Rel.Ed, NCITS, Honolulu, USA.
Th.D., NCIU, Florida, USA.

Walters, Professor Terry
LL.B; LL.M, Sheffield Univ., UK


All serve as non-resident faculty with other suitably qualified specialist persons and Adjunct Professors & Tutors

Burrell, Rev Arden, M.Th. B.A (B.Th.) Australia
Chu Dr Chick Sum, Th.D.; M.Div.; B.A. (B.Th.) Taiwan
Chung, Dr Tai Rai, Ph.D.; D.Rel.Ed; Th.D.; M.Theol. South Korea
Creighton, Dr FredC., D. Min., Phil.M. B.A. (B.Th) New Zealand
Eu, Dr Hong-SengPh.D; M.Min.; C.P.A. Franz, Andreas, Th.D. Malaysia
Hultgren, Dr Frank, D.Min.; M.Div. USA
Kong, Dr Hee, Th.D.; M.Div.; B.A. (B.Th.); B.Sc. Singapore
Kumar, Dr Steve Ph.D.; M.Div. New Zealand
Kurulo, Rev Suliasi, Ph.M.; B.A. (Th.); B.Sc Fiji
Norman Eu, Dr H. Lesley, D. Min., M.Phil. United Kingdom
Muñoz, Dr Nahum, Th.D.; D.Min. USA
McDonald, Rev Bruce, B.A. (B.Th.); Dip.Tchg. New Zealand
Patterson, Dr S. Neal, Th.D.; M.Rel.Ed. B.A.(B.Th.) New Zealand
Teague, Dr Dennis,Th.D.; M.Div.; B.A. (B.Th.); Dip.Tesol. USA

New Covenant International, Inc (also known as New Covenant International University& Theological Seminary) is registered as a private, non-profit, educational organization and is incorporated in the State of Florida, USA.  New Covenant International Incorporated is recognized by the US Internal Revenue Service as organized for religious and educational purposes and is therefore exempt from taxation, pursuant to IRC Section 501(c)(3).

New Covenant International, Inc. is a non-profit institution founded for religious, educational, vocational purposes offering religious academic awards, degrees and vocational qualifications and is authorized to operate by the State Board - Commission for Independent Education under Florida Statute (s1005.06.(1)(f)F.S.

New Covenant International University and Theological Seminary is also a member of the Florida Council of Private Colleges, USA. [Authorized pursuant s246-041(1) (f) F.S. Queries concerning legal clarification of NCI programs and awards should contact: Florida Council of Private Colleges

The Doctoral Degree Program is open only to graduates who have completed both Bachelor's and Master's degree courses or who have attained the necessary commencementcredit level by earned or transferable credits. The Doctoral Program available is designed to assist students who wish to gain higher academic benefit and provided in two stages.

 Stage One - Doctoral Program.

     Doctor of Theology.. Traditional theological subjects, including Missiology

     Doctor of Ministry..   Church Ministries

     Doctor of Religious..  Christian and Religious Education Education

Entrance Requirements:

     a)  All students must have a minimum entry level of 192 credits.
     b)  All students must attain a 256 credit level to graduate.     c)  All applicants for Stage One - Doctoral Program must have completed either three years pastoral ministry or equivalent service roles within the Christian church, or demonstrate exceptional academic grades granting early admission. Further information as to eligibility is obtainable by contacting the Registrar.
Candidates are requested to ensure that they are able to satisfy the entrance requirements as stated on page A13, item 7.03 of the general prospectus.


The college appoints to each qualifying candidate a "mentor" who serves as Adjunct-Tutor and guides through the program. Each candidate is expected to maintain a professional approach in the designated study and research program undertaken, and accordingly must meet stringent guidelines in submission of textual critiques and theses. All textual critiques undertaken shall be no less than 10,000 word minimum to earn 4 credits. The critique shall be submitted as per the standard Textual Analysis Format available from the college.

Candidates undertaking thesis work shall adhere to the following criteria:
Step 1 A Thesis proposal shall first be submitted to the Adjunct-tutor, containing:
   a)  a description of the purpose and goals of the thesis.
   b)  a list of research materials that will be used in developing the thesis. The college reserves the right to recommend other research material to be included in the project or that may be considered important to the study, that the student may not be familiar with.

   c)  a thorough outline of the proposed thesis. Developing this outline is one of the best ways of developing your thought logically. Remember: the dictionary definition of a thesis is that a proposition is laid down as a theme to be discussed and proved, or it may be a dissertation to maintain and prove a particular viewpoint.Step 2  Once approval has been given to proceed, the candidate is requested to prepare the thesis in consultation with the Adjunct-tutor.

Step 3 Presentation Format:

   a)  The finished thesis should be presented in the format laid down in "A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses and Dissertations" by Kate L. Turabian (University of Chicago Press, revised and expanded edn 1987) - commonly referred to as the Turabiari format. This does not have to be followed slavishly, but gives valuable guidance to the various factors of presentation, particularly the numbering of paragraphs, and the use of quotes from references.

   b)  The thesis must be presented in typed or printed form, on standard 8 1/2" x 11" or A4 paper, with wide margins on all sides (at least 20mm, but wider on left margin to allow for binding). The text should be single spaced, but allow space between paragraphs. Where a word-processor facility is available, the right hand margin can be justified. The thesis should have a Title page, Contents page(s), setting out chapters and page numbers etc., finishing with a conclusion, and a Bibliography, which should include the name of publisher and date of publication. Two hardbound copies of the thesis should be submitted.

   c)  No thesis maybe submitted to NCITS if it has been accepted or is going to be accepted for academic credit elsewhere.

   d)  Grammar, spelling and appearance will be considered in the grading of the thesis. All quotations must be clearly identified and the sources acknowledged. When your final thesis is presented, a grading committee of no less than two suitably qualified persons will be appointed as examiners. Their individual grading will be averaged and become the final grade given.

Diploma's are divided into 3 Trimesters with basic core units. Bachelor Degrees are divided into 'Courses/Elective Texts/Research/Thesis' (128cr). Master Degrees are divided into 'Courses/Elective Texts/Research/Thesis' (192cr).

Doctoral Degrees are divided into 'Elective Texts/Research/Thesis' (256/286cr).

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